last modified: Monday, 06 December 2004  

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The Department of Defense consists of the world's largest workforce  over 5 million strong  including America's Army, Navy, Air Force & Marines as well as a myriad of supporting departments for logistics, development, research, management, etc.  As Sr. New Media Strategist, I served as the Creative Director, Lead Designer, Lead Developer and Site Architect on all of the projects below.
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2002-Present U.S. Department of Defense Web Sites Supports You - June 2004
Building on the foundations of Operation Tribute to Freedom (see below), the America Supports You website was built for the troops and their families.  A grassroots effort to communicate the appreciation of the American people to service members around the world.  One objective with this site was to contiue with a unified template across the Department but with enough customization within to set the program apart from other "sister" sites. (DoD grassroots campaign portal) June 2004 (DoD news portal) May 2004 - May 2004 (proposed)
The latest of the suite of DoD web sites, Face Of Defense highlights the people behind the department. Holding great promise to highlight the individuals that make up our armed forces (and the civilians behind the scenes) in a dedicated way, this was proposed in May 2004 as the fourth and final arm of a suite of websites covering the main facets of the DoD today. - March 2004
Defense Transformation highlights the changes in today's Defense Department. After the makeover, the Defense Transformation site had to follow. Although, in retrospect, this site should have lead the way with the new design as this is another facet of the department's transformation. (DoD news portal) March 2004 (DoD news portal) February 2004 - February 2004
Finally shed of it's "DefenseLink" nomenclature and it's archane and incomplete 2003 redesign, the new face of the Department of Defense was put together in about 5 working days. Presented with the challenges of the 21st century, the Department of Defense wants to convey it's message and report it's actions to the American people and the world.  The mandate given with the redesign: make it world class and manageable.  It needs to hold up against the likes of, and the like, as well as against other national, international and multi-national web presence.  This accelerated 2004 effort pushed past the political barriers while past efforts have stalled. See " - December 2002" for an overview of the previous effort.
OASD(PA) Intranet - October 2003
Given the volume of information that goes through this 24/7 office, a dynamic intranet was overdue. The Office of the Assistant Secretary Defense (Public Affairs) intranet design was created in a few days with few requirements. Key requirements were the need to flexible enough to be data-driven yet the rigidity to withstand handoff to another group to implement.
OASD(PA) Intranet (DoD/OASD(PA) intranet portal) October 2003
The Pentagon Memorial Chapel (news portal) September 2003 - proposed Pentagon Memorial Chapel - September 2003 (proposed)
Modernizing a modest but information-laden website is simple, building it in a way that could serve a diverse audience with opinions and beliefs that are just as diverse is not. This design needed to not only offer information in a portal format, but also to present this information in a unified, yet unbiased way. Rarely seen elements that reside within the chapel were used liven up the site and bring a focus on the openness embraced by the chapel.
Operation Tribute to Freedom - June 2003
When both the Secretary of Defense and the White House want something to happen, it happens.  The Operation Tribute to Freedom campaign was conceptualized in a matter of hours and launched in a couple of days.  Logically, the website would follow the same schedule, so it was also completed and launched in two days.
Operation Tribute to Freedom Website (National Campaign WebSite) June 2003 (news portal) March 2003 - March 2003
Since 2001, has been the Department of Defense' voice on the status of the international war on terrorism. With the ramp up to war with Iraq, the site became the voice of choice for the Department, surpassing even the "official" department website,  My tasks included not only maintaining content on a minute-by-minute basis, but also preparing it's design for the huge increase in visitors that followed.  Architecture changes, procedural tweaking, usability improvements and modest redesigns were included in my actions with the site...making it capable of serving up to 1 million visitors per day...more than 10 times normal load. - December 2002 (proposed)
Presented with the challenges of the 21st century, the Department of Defense wants to convey it's message and report it's actions to the American people and the world.  While this should not be an arduous task, the status quo has held the line on a web design for the agency that is at best five years behind, and production processes and procedures that are at least as old.  The mandate given with the redesign: make it world class and manageable.  It needs to hold up against the likes of, and the like, as well as against other national, international and multi-national web presence.  Politics behind the process continued, but, by incorporating real-time updates and a new usability quotient, this design remained as a contender until my February 2004 design. (Agency Portal) December 2002 (Information Portal) November 2002 - November 2002
Built anew from the ground up, the new website for the Pentagon is positioned not only as informational for those who work there, but also as a resource for the historical and architectural mark made on the world stage.
Awards for my website designs include in 1998, in 2003 and in 2004.
Association of Internet Professionals